On Monday, October 26th, 2015, national news reported that the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) had released their opinion that eating processed meat like hot dogs, ham and bacon, raises the risk of colon cancer and that consuming other red meats probably raises the risk as well. Their opinion was based on a panel of 22 experts who reviewed a variety of research studies. This news created quite a controversy because they placed red meats into a Group I category of cancer causing substances, along with alcohol, tobacco smoke and asbestos. Is this reasonable? Although researchers have been concerned about consumption of processed meats for quite some time due to the risk of chemicals used in the process, this pronouncement is considered by many to be extreme and has invoked some strong responses. Some groups are even discussing the idea of placing warning labels on meat.

Experts not involved in the study, according to the New York Times in an article yesterday, have looked at the findings and have suggested that the research studies are not conclusive and that some of the data was weak. It was noted that the report points to reasons people should be more moderate when eating meat but that there is not a direct connection to harm. Even the panel of the 22 commissioned by the W.H.O. did not agree. Seven disagreed or abstained from voting.

I like the idea of moderation in food intake. The U.S.D.A.’s “My Plate” has replaced the food pyramid as a visual to help people consider a balanced diet. It illustrates a greater focus on fruits, vegetables and grains.

I’m probably biased because I grew up on a farm where meat and potatoes were staple items at the dinner table, so I am not about to give up having a nice moderate portion of steak. I think it is the quality of protein you have in your diet not the quantity and anything in excess can be bad.

I am going to continue to read up on this meat topic and if you have questions, I will see what I can find out. I would like to know what you think about this issue. Give me some feedback?