12 Super Foods to Add to your Diet

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What is a “SUPER FOOD”?

There are a number of foods out there that have come to earn the label super food. What exactly is a “SUPER FOOD“?

Super foods, when added to a regular healthy eating plan, can improve your health by lowering your risk of heart disease and stroke, while boosting your energy, focus, and mental sharpness. The plan is to eat healthy over time. For many this means a lifestyle change, eating fewer processed foods and adding more of these foods to your daily food plan.

In my opinion, the best part is that you get these benefits using all natural foods, instead of items containing chemicals and drugs. I highly recommend avoiding processed foods. 

 “To function best, the brain requires around 45 nutrients that are as distinct as the molecules, cells, and tissues they shape. The brain, being radically efficient, makes many of these nutrients itself, and only ‘accepts’ whatever else it needs from our diets. Put simply: Everything in the brain that isn’t made by the brain itself is ‘imported’ from the food we eat,” explains Dr. Lisa Mosconi, PhD, neuroscientist and author of Brain Food: The Surprising Science of Eating for Cognitive Power


I’ve compiled a list of 12 super foods (there are more!) and a description of how they’ll help your body and mind. There are other foods to consider as well. This list is a start to healthy eating. (For a more extensive list, see my offer below.)

complex carbs food flavor fitComplex Carbohydrates
The very best sources are whole grains, beans, legumes, berries, and sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are packed with added fiber, potassium and vitamin C. You can cook them in many ways including baked or mashed, as well as cubed in soups. I also like them in thin slices in salad!

baked beans food flavor fitBaked Beans.
Protein, fiber and calcium are just some of the benefits of this low Glycemic Index super food. Baked beans have also been known to lower the chances of bowel type cancers because of the unique way they’re digested.


BlueBerries Food Flavor FitBlueberries
are definitely a super fruit! They contain beneficial antioxidants as well as vitamin C and fiber. They make a healthy treat and they’re easy to eat on their own or in smoothies and baked goods.

bananas food flavor fit

Bananas make the list because of their beneficial nutrients as well as high potassium content. They also contain a healthy dose of vitamin B6.

broccoli foodflavorfitBroccoli
is a vegetable that contains a healthy amount of vitamin C and folic acid. If you don’t like the taste, you can use some spices, cheese, or dip to add some flavor. Go easy on the dips though if you are watching the waste line.

dark leafy chard foodflavorfit

Dark, Leafy, Green Vegetables.
Spinach, kale, chard, dandelion greens, come packed with many beneficial ingredients. They are all full of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and disease-fighting nutrients needed for a healthy nervous system – folate, potassium, magnesium, iron, and more. Plus they are easy to add to salads.

So now you know there’s truth to the saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away! They contain many of the benefits of the other super food fruits, as well as a decent fiber content. They’re also a low glycemic index food. Apples can help you stay full and may help with weight loss.

is a super healthy way of getting your dairy intake for the day (if you tolerate dairy). In addition to being an excellent source of calcium, yogurt has also been known to improve your bowel health overall. Yogurt can help with regulating the digestive system.

Fatty Lean Fish.
Salmon is
always a good alternative for healthy meats in your diet. Salmon is extra special because it contains Omega 3’s. Omega 3’s alone have many health benefits such as reduced risks of heart attacks as well as mental disorders such as depression. Adult women require about 1.1 grams of omega-3s per day, according to the National Institutes of Health.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Flaxseed Oil.
Our brain needs certain types of fat to operate efficiently. Olive oil is one type of oil that’s okay to add to your diet in moderation. It’s a good idea to keep in mind that a little bit goes a long way. Olive oil can lower bad cholesterol levels and it also contains a healthy amount of antioxidants. Use olive oil mixed with balsamic vinegar for salad dressing, instead of the creamy stuff.

“These oils are loaded with anti-aging nutrients like omega-3’s and vitamin E. Extra-virgin olive oil is also rich in monounsaturated fat, a kind of fat that is good for the heartas well as for the brain,” Dr. Mosconi says.

Dark Chocolate.
This is often the shocker on the super foods list. Dark chocolate can be yummy and beneficial to your health. Dark chocolate, with a cacao content of 80% or higher, is rich in theobromine an antiocidant. In small amounts each day, has been shown to lower your blood pressure.

Citrus Fruit.
Many like the taste of sweet citrus fruits, which makes it quite the popular super food. You’ll still want to eat these fruits in moderation because they have a higher sugar content. However, citrus fruits also come with a high amount of vitamin C, fiber, and folic acid.

There are many other foods that are earning the title of super food. Today’s list will get you started in the right direction.

It’s always a great thing to hear when a delicious food also helps you live a happier and healthier life!

Eldonna is available to speak at your event. She teaches home cooking classes, writes healthy recipes and provides individual health coaching and recipe consultation to help clients achieve results.

Top 20 Brain Foods Package

Get Your Copy today $7

Of all the things that affect the health of your brain, your diet is probably the most essential for keeping your brain functioning at peak performance. Not only is diet important for your entire body, but it’s vital for allowing your brain to grow and function well from birth to old age. Your brain needs you to provide enough protein and other nutrients in order to develop properly.

The 22 page pdf eBook provides you with ‘Food for Thought’ to put into practice in your life.
Included in the package:

  • Top 20 Brain Foods Reference Chart
  • Top 20 Brain Foods Meal Planner
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